Monday, September 28, 2009

Geocaching in Sisters.

Frank and I ate lunch at Aspen Lakes Lodge. I happened to open up my iphone and checked my application. To my surprise I discovered that a microcache was hidden about one tenth of mile away from where we sitting, so naturally, we had to take advantage of the situation.
The application was fantastic and the iphone gps system navigated flawlessly to the spot. Frank was the first one to see the microcache hidden in the recesses of the tree trunk - it was surrounded by moss. We had to take a picture to celebrate our first geocache with the iphone and the first geocache in Sisters. We will be doing this more often!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm busy working on...

I'm busy working on a slideshow for tomorrow's presentation and i hope to demonstrate how 1 can dictate. listen

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sharing a great idea!

What a great idea. Discovered this slideshow through a twitter post. Just passing it forward. Be sure to look at all of the slides. I like the notion of collaborating by adding slides to this show. You can email the creator for editing rights by contacting him at I love Creative Commons!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Geotools in Education

I am always learning new things from my facebook and twitter friends. Tonight I saw a post from Tim Wilson regarding Looks like some interesting apps that could be used on an upcoming project. I definitely will be checking this site out.

We are sending a group of students to Costa Rica this summer where they will be at Earth University. During their stay the students will gather data and coordinates to compute the carbon footprint in the area as well as make observations and formulate questions. I am trying to figure out a way for the students to digitally record their data while in the field (handhelds - with gps units and voice recorders). The only internet and computer access will be during their final two days at the University. I keep hoping to find a special app for iPhones or iPod touch that would work in the field (again no internet connectivity). The students will want to pool their data and manipulate with tools such as ArcExplorer. Any one have any ideas - please share!