Today is a big day in Sisters - it's the Harvest Festival. However, first I had to attend a garden club meeting at City Hall. Today's topic was "winterizing your garden". I learned that we need to fertilize our lawns in October or November (just before the first snow). If you fertilize too early - you promote growth and prevent the grass from going dormant which can be deleterious to the root system. At the end of the meeting, the session was open to general questions. One of the club members inquired about the squirrels - everyone agreed that the squirrels have been excessively busy - storing pine cones and dropping cones all over the decks of Sister's most ardent gardeners. One upset member claimed that she had even been hit in the head from pine cones being "jettisoned" by the squirrels. The general consensus was that such excessive activity was an indication of a "harsh winter"to come!
Another garden club member claimed that she has a log in her yard that separates her property from her neighbors. Apparently this log has a long groove in it that has rotted out over the years. She reported that the squirrels in her yard have filled the depression with pine cones neatly stack one next to the other - and even put in a second row!
While we were checking out the vendors, we noticed a lady with two tiny puppies tucked in her jacket.