Friday, June 3, 2011

The Sun Came Out!

When we woke this morning, the sky was blue, birds were singing, and there was not a cloud in the sky. Believe it or not, we have had hail and rain this past week - a fact that has greatly thwarted my attempts to get a jump start on Sister's relatively short growing season. Today, however, was marvelous and both Frank and I hustled outside to pull weeds, trim limbs, and plant a variety of flowers. When I stepped off the porch, I was excited to see that one of my poppies had bloomed - the very first one of the season!

I purchased a variety of colors from a local nursery - the poppies are a fancy variety and will come back each spring. While I was planting and pulling weeds, Frank was busy cutting back the evergreen shrubs - a task that will require several trips to the dump tomorrow.

While Frank was busy sawing and cutting - I was planting some colorful petunias for the planter box on our deck.

Check out the delphinium - supposedly this plant will attract butterflies and humming birds! So beautiful ...

We finally called it quits around 6:00 pm and ended the day with a long soak in the hot tub. Life certainly is good!

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